SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My winning strategy

Forget delegates, rules, votes: I deserve it. I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approved this message.
Rosa Brooks
LA Times
April 24, 2008

Thank you, Pennsylvania! What an incredible margin of victory you gave me! Ten percentage points over Barack Obama. Count 'em! Ten!

All right, 9.2 points if you insist on actually counting. But they said I had to win by double digits to keep my campaign alive, and I think 9.2 points counts as double digits. And I am alive! And kicking! And punching and biting and kneeing my opponent in the groin!

Oh, we know what the pundits are saying now. They're saying that most polls showed me ahead by 25 points in Pennsylvania a few months ago. But is it my fault if people just don't like me as much as they used to? Thanks to me, they don't like Obama as much as they used to either.

And you know what? I think I deserve a little bit of credit for that!

Who said elections were supposed to be popularity contests, anyway? Go ahead, like Obama better if you want to. I read the polls too. Americans think Obama is more "trustworthy" than I am, more "sincere" and "down to earth," less "cold" and "mean." According to the polls, a majority of Democrats actually think he ought to be the presidential nominee. Well, who needs them!

(Continued here.)


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