SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rev. Wright, in PBS Interview, Defends Sermons and Calls Coverage 'Unfair'

Bill Moyer's interview with Jeremiah Wright is here.


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Here are some quotes from Mr Wright in a sermon given on Jan 15, 2006 at Howard University's Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel:

He started the sermon "Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outsie what she can give with her body".

He continued:

"America is the number 1 killer in the world...we are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers...we believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God"

He thundered further to say:

"We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anyone who spoke out against it as being anti-semitic"

and concluded:

"We started the AIDS virus...we are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty".

Wright has made speeches similar to this one on other occastions, as well, and far more recently. So, for Mr Wright, calling the 'coverage' unfair fits nicely with his vision of America and his hate-filled, anti-semitic, racism. The man is not misunderstood. He's a out and out white-hating racist. And just happens to be the leader of the church that Barack Obama has attended for 20 years.

The irony is not Wright, however, but Obama. The media hammered Mit Romney about his religion, but have largely ignored Obama's close assoctiation with Mr Wright.

Obama claims to be a uniter and many of us can appreciate the symbolism of a black man ascending to the presidency, but what we have is a smooth politician whose close association with wright underscores his own radicalism. Only until fairly recently was Obama forced to condemn Wright, but that does not mean that Obama's own fundamental beliefs are any different than what we have heard from Wright. Does Obama really believe the same things about America that Wright preaches about? He has side-stepped an answer to that question and the media has passed on finding out. So, we are left only to wonder what the man truly believes.

If Obama becomes president, it will be pretty hard for him to unite a country he may very well indeed hate. And we haven't had a president like that since John Tyler was president.

9:38 AM  

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