SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Would you vote for any of these people?

Republican nut jobs on parade
By Jaime O'Neill
Created Feb 17 2008
from Smirking Chimp

When the crazies take over the asylum, you've got a big problem. In a saner America, nearly all the Republican candidates for president would have been ruled ineligible for high office based on the simple fact that most of them were saying things that would, in other times, have served as justification for having them locked up in rubber rooms. But then, after nearly eight years of George Bush, we're all a little nuts.

Back in the '60s, when Republican Barry Goldwater said that "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice," the nation decided that the guy was just too crazy to be allowed to play in the nuclear toy box. But when Republican presidential aspirant Tom Tancredo suggested that we "nuke Mecca," the national news media barely took note of it.

Tancredo's campaign stood by his remark, arguing that nuking Muslim holy sites would serve as a good "deterrent" against Islamic fundamentalists. Senior Tancredo adviser Bay Buchanan argued that bombing Mecca would show "that we mean business." Yeah, that'll work. Echoing Tancredo's overtures to the paranoid, Duncan Hunter, another Republican presidential candidate, said he would build an 815-mile fence along the Mexican border in the first six months of his administration. Now that's a man who has his priorities in order.

Fred Thompson, another Republican nut job, proclaimed that: "Our basic rights come from God, not from government." Why, then, maintain an army, or a judiciary, if God is providing us with our rights and overseeing our liberties? Why bother creating a government at all when God had our basic rights covered from the get-go?

There were three evolution deniers among that field of Republican candidates. One of them, Sam Brownback, had the support of a raging evangelical crazy named Phelps who celebrates the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq because those deaths are punishment from God for letting the nation countenance homosexuals, abortion, and women's libbers. Brownback's son got busted for trying to board an airplane while carrying a Glock automatic pistol, so that particular nut didn't fall too far from the tree.

(Continued here.)


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