SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mitt Romney never saw his father march with Martin Luther King. Never.

by: David
Blue Mass Group

Mitt Romney will stop at nothing to score political points. Even if it means lying outright about his father.

I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.

Uh huh.

He made a similar statement Sunday during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." He said, "You can see what I believed and what my family believed by looking at our lives. My dad marched with Martin Luther King. My mom was a tireless crusader for civil rights."

Right. Got it -- dad marched with MLK. Even David Broder says so, and supplies some corroborative detail intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative. (BMG bonus points for identifying the source of that phrase!)

As Mitt Romney recalled in his address, his father was able to remind people that he had marched with Martin Luther King Jr. (through upscale Grosse Pointe, Mich., in support of open-housing legislation).

Problem is, it's not true. None of it. As the Phoenix's David Bernstein reveals (see also update here) in some superb digging, George Romney never marched "with" -- i.e., in the presence of, at the same place at the same time -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here's Bernstein, who in addition to calling out Romney, calls out Broder:

(Continued here.)


Blogger Christian said...

It's called "Lying for the Lord." (A.k.a "The Higher Law.")

Mormons are quite proficient at it, the "logic" being, "the ends justifies the means." (I suppose that means Mitt would make a 'good' politician-or used car salesman-if that's what you want in a President.)

Even Mormon girls will lead unsuspecting boys on, to suck them into Mormonism. They (Mormons) even have a colloquialism for it - it's called "The 3 D's."

Date 'em, Dunk 'em (i.e. get them baptized into the Mormon church), Ditch 'em.

So, with Mitt Romney, as long as it's for a greater good... like fulfilling Mormon prophecy by being the first Mormon President., it doesn't matter what you say.

It's all documented at

Like Mormonism, the blog isn't what it seems.

Funny photos too!

12:54 AM  

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