SMRs and AMRs

Monday, December 10, 2007

G.O.P. Voters Are Uninspired by Candidates

New York Times

Three weeks before the Iowa caucuses, Republicans voters across the country appear uninspired by their field of presidential candidates, with a vast majority saying they have not made a final decision about who to support, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.

None of the Republican candidates is viewed favorably by even half of the Republican electorate, the poll found. In a sign of the fluidity of the race, one candidate who had barely registered in early polls several months ago, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, is now locked in a tight contest nationally with Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts.

By contrast, Democrats are happier with their field and more settled in their decisions. For all the problems Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York appears to be having holding off her rivals Iowa and New Hampshire, she remains strong nationally, the poll found. Even after what her aides acknowledge has been two of the roughest months of her candidacy, she is viewed by Democrats as a far more electable candidate in the general election than either Senator Barack Obama of Illinois or John Edwards of North Carolina.

Not only did substantially more Democratic voters judge her to be ready for the presidency than those who believed Mr. Obama is prepared for the job, the poll found, but more Democrats said Mrs. Clinton could bring the country together than those who said Mr. Obama was someone who could unite different groups.

The Republican and Democratic nominating contest, which begin with the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3, are being carried out at a time of anxiety and uncertainty. Americans think the economy is bad and getting worse. A vast majority think the country is heading in the wrong direction. More people cited the Iraq war as the most important issue facing the country than cited any other topic, and though 38 percent said the dispatch of extra troops to Iraq this year was working, a majority continued to say it was a mistake to enter the war.

(Continued here.)


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