SMRs and AMRs

Monday, December 10, 2007

GOP Spanish-language debate thread

by kos
from DailyKos

And we're off.

During the introductions, McCain and Paul get the warmest applause.

First question: Bush got 40 percent of the Latino vote, but Latinos defected in 2006.

Giuliani: Latino vote is important. They voted for me in NYC. Smooches, kisses, hugs. Latinos want to vote for me. I'm good in a crisis (9/11!).

Romney: Latinos not happy with DC. They serve in military. I would expand military so more Latinos can get killed in our wars. I would lower taxes.

Huckabee: Latinos are like regular Americans: Opportunity, justice. And Republicans should reach out to Latinos. Something about schools, something else about diabetes, and if we talk about that stuff, we'll get their vote.

McCain: My state has lots of Latinos, so that's why I'm not a raging bigot. Much of the rhetoric Latinos hear about immigration leads people to believe that Republicans don't care for them. (Applause.) Latinos are against abortion, for small business, pro-military and Iraq (not really, but whatever).

Thompson: Latinos share Republican values, but Republicans have gotten away from Republican values. We're spending without limit. Defense spending! Activist judges! You know, those things which are so important to Latinos.

Hunter: Young people who vote should vote Republican. Cuba! Castro! You know, something that happened 45 years ago are exactly the reasons young people today should vote for us. Oh, and El Salvador. Ronald Reagan! (Crowd pleaser for the Cuban-American crowd.)

Paul: Latinos are getting away from Republicans because of big government. And Iraq (applause).

By attending this (Spanish-language) debate, are Republicans alienating their base?

(Continued here.)


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