SMRs and AMRs

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bill 'Oh Really?' turns against Iraq

O'Reilly takes on Tony Snow, 'You can't win' in Iraq'

Filed by David Edwards and Muriel Kane, The Raw Story

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly promised his audience "the truth about Iraq" on Thursday, saying that most Americans now feel the war has not been worth the costs, while "the president's argument for sustaining the war is largely theoretical."

O'Reilly turned on his special guest during the segment, White House press secretary Tony Snow, saying, "You can't win ... unless the Iraqi people turn on all the terrorists. And they're not."

O'Reilly said he agreed with the president that defeat in Iraq could harm the US but said that "enough is enough." The populist pundit who, according to his Wikipedia entry hasn't been a registered Republican since 2000, added that the American people are as exhausted by this war as they ultimately were by Vietnam, and also that "the Iraqi government is incompetent and "the people themselves largely ungrateful."

(Continued here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

I happened to catch the O’Reilly Factor on Thursday night when he interviewed Tony Snow. O’Reilly didn’t give an inch. O’Reilly has been down about the war for awhile. The question is, has he no gone from being “disappointed” to “disinterested” to “disgusted”?
During the September 25, 2006, broadcast of his radio program, O'Reilly stated :
"I don't care what Iraq was, I don't care what it will be. I just don't want them killing anybody or helping Al Qaeda. OK? Couldn't care less about the country. That is the no-spin honesty that you all come to expect from me."
I referenced O’Reilly’s June 12th program in my blog, Minnesota Central in which he said “The war is a loser.”
Isn’t funny that Fox News headlined an April 19th story REID: SOMEONE TELL BUSH THE WAR IN IRAQ IS LOST

And that someone would be Bill O’Reilly ?

It really was a bad couple of days for Tony Snow. Did you hear his exchange with ABC’s Martha Raddatz on Friday regarding the Iraqi Parliament vacation? link

9:02 AM  

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