SMRs and AMRs

Friday, July 13, 2007

Towards fair taxation

An Unjustified Privilege

by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times:

During the 2000 presidential campaign, Ralph Nader mocked politicians of both parties as “Republicrats,” equally subservient to corporations and the wealthy. It was nonsense, of course: the modern G.O.P. is so devoted to the cause of making the rich richer that it makes even the most business-friendly Democrats look like F.D.R.

But right now, as I watch Senate Democrats waffle over what should be a clear issue of justice and sound tax policy..., I’m starting to feel that Mr. Nader wasn’t all wrong.

What’s at stake here is a proposal by House Democrats to tax “carried interest” as regular income. This would close a tax loophole that ... basically lets fund managers take a large part of the fees they earn ... and redefine those fees, for tax purposes, as capital gains.

The effect of this redefinition is that income that should be considered ... ordinary income taxed at a 35 percent rate is treated as capital gains, taxed at only 15 percent instead. So fund managers get to pay a low tax rate that is supposed to provide incentives to risk-taking investors, even though they aren’t investors and they aren’t taking risks.

(The rest is here.)



Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Flat tax, flat tax, flat tax. Not a 'progressive' flat tax with margins - but the same rate for everyone, everywhere, always. No deductions, no refunds, no loopholes.

There, I just eliminated the IRS and there is fairness for all - rich, poor and everyone in between.

Sometimes I marvel at my own innovation and genius.

12:08 PM  

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