SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Mr. Bush, do you know the definition of "Islamic fascism"?

The President calls Hezbollah "Islamic fascists". In the 20th century, fascism, as well as being synonymous with dictatorships, has relied upon central economic control through the interlinking of government and large corporate interests. This was the case in Germany, Italy and Japan through the 1930s until the end of World War II.

Using this definition, the true "Islamic fascist" states in the world today include many of the monarchies in the Middle East. Perhaps the best example is Saudi Arabia, which happens to be among the Bush family's business partners and strongest political supporters.

So here is the irony: Bush calls Hezbollah "Islamic fascists" when they don't even have a country, when centralized control is limited, and when their corporate ties are a blip in the radar compared to those of Saudi Arabia and, in fact, the Bush family itself.

Is there something wrong with this picture? A student of political science Mr. Bush clearly is not. But one would hope that after five years on the job Mr. Bush would have advanced past Poli Sci 101. It doesn't look like it.

As he himself has said, "Is our students learning yet?" It's obvious the answer is "no".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect one of the reasons for choosing islamic or islamo-facist is that the previous tag--islamic fundamentalist--reminds us of the similalrity to some of the conservative base.

12:34 PM  

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