SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finish What Job?

President Bush's simplistic rhetoric could be used to justify open-ended commitment in Iraq.

LA Times editorial, August 22, 2006

PRESIDENT BUSH EMPHASIZED no fewer than 10 times in his news conference Monday that U.S. forces would not leave Iraq "before the job is done." It's a clever piece of rhetoric, appealing to Americans' sense of duty as well as their pride. Just one question: What was that job again?

Is it to end the sectarian violence in Iraq? Prevent terrorists from flocking to the United States? Bring democracy to Iraq and thus provide a beacon for reformers throughout the Middle East?

All of the above, apparently — and then some. Previous rationales, such as locating Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and avenging 9/11, are no longer convincing even to the president (which should give pause to those few still clinging to them, including some members of Congress). But on Monday, Bush had others at the ready.

At times, the loudest noise at his news conference was the sound of mission creep. In June, Bush conceded that a democratic Iraq will at some point have to stand or fall on its own. ("Success in Iraq," he said, "depends upon the Iraqis.") On Monday, however, Bush said U.S. forces would remain until the Iraqi people "achieve their objectives and their dreams, which is a democratic society." Success may depend on the Iraqis, but it is defined by the Americans.

And the justification for continued U.S. involvement isn't just nation building. Success in Iraq, Bush declared, is central not only to the war on terrorism but to the grandiose strategy of fostering democracy in the Middle East and protecting the flow of oil. "A failed Iraq would make America less secure," Bush said. "A failed Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will provide safe haven for terrorists and extremists. It will embolden those who are trying to thwart the ambitions of reformers. In this case, it would give the terrorists and extremists an additional tool besides safe haven, and that is revenues from oil sales."

This debate is not, as the president would like it to be, over whether one supports or opposes "a failed Iraq." Of course no one wants a failed Iraq — just as no one wants a failed Somalia or a failed Haiti.

(The rest is here.)


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