SMRs and AMRs

Friday, February 17, 2006

More on "Midwest Heroes"


What's often pushed aside in discussions of issues like the Midwest Heroes ads is the importance of money. Not that it's ignored altogether, but what is rarely stated is the overarching point is that those who have the bucks get their voices broadcast.

There are two sides to all issues, but those who can afford to pay the most arrange that their side is heard the most. And since many people equate "frequency" with "truth", especially when they don't have the time or interest to research often complex issues on their own, they come to believe the loudest, most oft-heard voices are the ones that are correct. This was certainly true in the original selling of the current Iraq war.

Given this, we'd thought we'd give equal time on Vox Verax to both sides of the issue. (Trust us, no one's paying us anything for our efforts.) Here are links to online videos discussing the war. Hopefully we will add more with time:
For more discussion of the Midwest Heroes ads, see "You decide: 'Midwest Heroes' or 'Political Pawns'?" and "You decide: Iraq -- right or wrong?".


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