
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Trump beholden to Putin in disinformation campaign

by Tom Maertens

Mr. Maertens has worked in national security for both Democrats and Republicans in the White House and in the U.S. Senate. As a foreign service officer, he served in the USSR before its breakup and in Russia after the breakup.

The Trump campaign is conducting the largest disinformation campaign in American history, aided by Russia.

McKay Coppins in The Atlantic and others have described the billion-dollar sabotage operation.

Trump and the Russians are peddling conspiracy theories and lies to discredit journalists and undermine the mainstream media, using deepfake videos, phony news sites, and fabricated stories on Facebook and Twitter about illegal immigrants and voting fraud.

Besides the press, their goal is to discredit the FBI, the DOJ, and the intelligence community, which could reveal Trump’s ties to Russia and his long criminal history.

Intelligence officials have concluded Russia’s goal is to “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process.”

The Washington Post reported “swarms of online, false personas” from Russia pushing coronavirus misinformation, more than 2 million tweets in three weeks.

At a recent campaign rally, Trump slammed “dirty cop” FBI agents involved in the investigation of Russian attacks on the 2016 election. He said “There are a lot of dishonest slimeballs out there. Dishonest scum. Dirty cops, lot of dirty cops….”

This is mafia-boss talk.

As George Packer wrote in The Atlantic, “Every member of the FBI leadership who investigated Trump has been forced out of government service….” Additionally, acting Director of National Security Joseph McGuire was fired for briefing Congress on the current Russian intervention in the U.S. election — his job. Trump had previously said he’d accept help from a foreign power if it intervened in the 2020 election.

Trump admitted he fired FBI Director James Comey to stop “the Russia thing” and even bragged to the Russian ambassador about obstructing the investigation. He still refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the last election. Meanwhile, he has demonstrated his willingness to promote Putin’s agenda by suggesting the U.S. should leave NATO and France should leave the EU.

Trump goes to extraordinary lengths to conceal his discussions with Putin, even confiscating the notes of the interpreter. I’ve sat in on presidential meetings: This is so suspicious, it is alarming.

In 2016, the Russians retweeted Trump’s Twitter account at least 470,000 times, posted thousands of political ads that were seen by at least 126 million Americans, organized dozens of false-front rallies in the U.S. and hacked into Democrats’ emails.

To refresh, the Mueller Report found 10 instances of likely obstruction of justice and concluded that Trump’s obstruction — asking staff to lie, dangling pardons, constructing a false paper trail, destroying evidence, and encrypting crucial communications — prevented law enforcement from discovering the truth. In short, the obstruction was the collusion.

More incriminating, The Moscow Project found 272 Trump campaign contacts and 38 meetings with Russians, which it labeled “collusion in plain sight.” There is no innocent explanation for this. Trump issued 51 false denials but has taken no action to stop the Russian attacks

The implications are obvious:

Former CIA head John Brennan has accused Trump of treason.

Another former CIA director, Michael Hayden, warned that Trump is a “useful fool” who is “manipulated by Moscow.”

A third former (acting) CIA director, Michael Morell, called Trump “an unwitting agent of the Russian federation.”

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates accused Trump of “using the power of his presidency to conceal” Russia’s influence on the 2020 election.

Malcolm Nance and other former intelligence officers have also labeled Trump a Russian asset or a “useful idiot.”

Max Boot, writing in the Washington Post, listed 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset.

John Flannery, a former federal prosecutor, called Trump the “chief criminal who’s running a crime syndicate out of the West Wing.”

The former head of KGB operations in the U.S., General Oleg Kalugin (now a U.S. citizen) has said that Trump was a Russian asset, likely compromised and filmed with women provided by the KGB during his trips to Moscow. Three of the 26 women who have publicly charged Trump with sexual assault (at pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s) said they were 13 and 14 at the time. Trump’s known predilection for underage girls, acknowledged publicly to Howard Stern, coupled with his ignorance and arrogance, would have made him an easy setup for blackmail, a standard KGB practice.

Craig Unger has said that the Russian mafia, which is controlled by Putin and the FSB, owned Trump, who reportedly laundered money for the mob for three decades. It had its HQ in Trump Tower and bailed him out when he was $4 billion in debt.

The evidence is overwhelming: Trump is controlled by Putin. And he’s not unwitting.

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