
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Did Russians Target Democratic Voters, With Kushner’s Help?

By Kate Brannen On 5/23/17 at 6:40 AM, Newsweek

This article first appeared on the Just Security site.

In many respects, we’re all in the dark when it comes to the ongoing Russia investigations.

Behind closed doors, what are congressional and FBI investigators learning?

What new leads are being chased?

Who in Donald Trump’s orbit is under the microscope?

If there was “coordination” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election, what form did that take?

While so much remains unanswered, the public has received several clues. We know, for example, that President Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is being investigated, as is Trump’s former campaign aide and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Last week, new reporting shined a light on one focus of the congressional investigation: determining how the Russians knew which voters to target with their disinformation campaign. A report from TIME’s Massimo Calabresi on Thursday provided new details:
As they dig into the viralizing of such stories, congressional investigations are probing not just Russia’s role but whether Moscow had help from the Trump campaign. Sources familiar with the investigations say they are probing two Trump-linked organizations: Cambridge Analytica … and Breitbart News.
(More here.)

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