
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Honest civil servants strike back

“Rogue” Science Agencies Defy Trump Administration on Twitter

Anonymous accounts are purportedly linked to NASA, National Parks and other agencies

By Mindy Weisberger, LiveScience on January 27, 2017

This week, after the Trump administration placed restrictions on several federal agencies regarding communication with the public, self-described "rogue" versions of government science institutions cropped up on Twitter, defiantly sharing their support of science.

The account AltUSNatParkService (@AltNatParkSer) launched Jan. 24, calling itself "The Unofficial #Resistance team of U.S. National Park Service" in a Twitter bio. Its tweets share facts related to climate change and its impact on U.S. national parks — and on the planet — and call for more rigorous government support of science-based policies related to the environment.

Since then, numerous other accounts with similar intentions have sprouted on Twitter. NASA alone inspired several unaffiliated "rebel" namesakes, including @NASAGoneRogue ("NASA Employees taking a stand"), @RogueNASA ("The unofficial 'Resistance' team of NASA") and @NASARogueOne ("Rebel with a cause"). [The Reality of Climate Change: 10 Myths Busted]

(Continued here.)

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