
Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Grievance Committee


Angry. So very, very angry. Unable to speak due to mega-anger washing over every pore and fiber of my being. Anger is in. (Hope’s so ... January.)

I am extremely angry at Tim Geithner for being such a baby that he couldn’t scare a bunch of American International Group quants into forgoing their bonuses. We need a Treasury secretary so terrifying that if you were stuck in an elevator alone with him, you would just automatically hand over your wallet and credit cards.

Somebody as weird and tirade-prone as Hank Paulson. Although when he had Geithner’s job we hated Hank Paulson. Hated, hated, hated. Many people thought he was the worst Treasury secretary ever, although at this moment I am hard pressed to remember the name of any of the other ones since Alexander Hamilton. Except for Robert Rubin, who we used to like but now we don’t because he was a banker.

Hate those bankers. However, Jimmy Stewart seemed nice in that movie about Christmas.

(More here.)

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