
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bad blood: GOP infighting on budget

Sources: GOP leaders split on budget "blueprint"
Glenn Thrush

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) raised objections to an abbreviated alternative budget "blueprint" released today -- but were told by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) they needed to back the plan, according to several Republican sources.

The argument, coming a week before the full House and Senate are scheduled to vote on the budget, underscores the minority party's woes in a mounting unified opposition to President Obama's $3.6 trillion FY2010 budget proposal.

Ryan, the ranking Republican on the budget committee, plans to introduce a detailed substitute amendment for the Democrats' spending plan next Wednesday -- and still intends to do so.

But he and Cantor were reportedly told by Boehner and Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-Ind.) they needed to move more quickly to counter Democrats' charge they were becoming the "Party of No," according to House GOP staffers.

(More here.)

Here's the video from DailyKos:

1 comment:

  1. Poor Paul Ryan.
    Boehner has his "budget rollout" on Thursday and after Ryan had battled from Wednesday morning into Wednesday evening in the Appropriations Committee meeting whose purpose was the markup of the concurrent resolution on the budget for FY 2010.
    He lost both battles.
    The Dems kept voting down the Republicans amendments consistently reminding them that the Republicans had allowed the Bush White House to create this mess .... and Ryan spent a lot of time agreeing with the Dems. Now the PAYGO concept seems to make sense to the Republicans but I sense that the Dems are afraid.

    The reality is that the Republicans have not taken a firm grasp on wasteful spending ... their earmarks are still rampant and until they get true fiscal conservatives on the Appropriations Committee, it will continue to be SNAFU.
