SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

What's your answer, NRA?

Four Facts About Gun Violence That Will Alarm You, Surprise You, and Make You Think

Posted by Ross Pomeroy

The tragically large amount of gun violence in the United States grants researchers a plethora of data to dig into. As a small community in Oregon recovers from yet another mass shooting in the United States, already the 294th this year, let's review a few of scientists' findings about mass shootings and gun violence.

1. Mass shootings may be "contagious." (…)

2. The U.S. firmly leads the developed world in firearm deaths. (…)

3. Survivors of mass shootings are prone to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (…)

4. Strict gun control laws worked wonders in Australia. (…)

(The entire article is here.)


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