SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Nine of Ben Carson’s Most Controversial Quotes

Today, Carson was quoted as saying that the US Constitution would not allow a Muslim president.

The pediatric neurosurgeon enters the race with a dedicated group of loyalists at his back and a long history of tough, unpopular talk.

Zach C. Cohen and Zach Montellaro
May 4, 2015

It’s all fun and games un­til someone loses the White House.

Ben Car­son checked in­to the pres­id­en­tial race Monday, bring­ing with him a well-or­gan­ized fun­drais­ing ma­chine, a fan­at­ic­al fol­low­ing, and a con­ser­vat­ive celebrity status that’s worth mil­lions in word-of-mouth ad­vert­ising. Part of that celebrity status comes from a ca­reer as a pe­di­at­ric neurosur­geon, part from his hard-line con­ser­vat­ive world­view, and part from his 2013 na­tion­al polit­ic­al in­tro­duc­tion when he lam­basted Pres­id­ent Obama at the Na­tion­al Pray­er Break­fast while the lead­er of the free world sat just a few chairs away.

And then, of course, there’s his long re­cord of bom­bast­ic polit­ic­al quotes, full of ref­er­ences to Nazis, slavery, and up­com­ing to­tal­it­ari­an takeovers. For Car­son, those are state­ments he can make be­cause, in polit­ic­al terms, he has little to lose. Bar­ring a mir­acle shakeup of the polit­ic­al sys­tem, he won’t be­come pres­id­ent, and he won’t be the nom­in­ee. And as he has already made clear: “I don’t care about polit­ic­al cor­rect­ness.”

(More here.)


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