SMRs and AMRs

Friday, September 19, 2014

When Medicine Is Futile


MY father would have been thrilled to read “Dying in America,” a new report by the Institute of Medicine that argues that we subject dying patients to too many treatments, denying them a peaceful death. But he would have asked what took us so long. A physician from the late 1950s to the late 1990s, my dad grew increasingly angry at how patients died in this country, too often in hospitals and connected to machines and tubes he knew would not help them.

He placed some of the blame for the situation at the feet of bioethics and patients’ rights, two movements that I, as a young physician, had fiercely advocated. Doctors, he believed, had abrogated their duties in preventing — and, if necessary, thwarting — patients from pursuing inappropriate end-of-life interventions. We should heed my father’s advice. Physicians need to reclaim some of the turf they have ceded to patients and families.

My father was an unlikely proponent of what came to be known as the “medical futility” movement in the 1990s. He was an infectious disease specialist, trained to diagnose and cure complicated infections. For much of his early career, he did just that. It was a heady time. Thanks to penicillin and other antibiotics, my dad was able to cure once-fatal infections like tuberculosis.

(More here.)


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