SMRs and AMRs

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Republican Move to Sue Obama

The Fight Over ‘Impeachment Lite’

Charles M. Blow, NYT
JULY 27, 2014

Rather than getting on with the country’s business and focusing solely on can’t-wait issues before they jet out of town this weekend — like the unfinished bill to fix veterans’ health care and the stalled bill to deal with the humanitarian crisis of Central American children arriving at the border — House Republicans are gearing up for a grand maneuver: an apparently unprecedented move by the House to sue the president over his use of executive orders.

Talk about misplaced priorities.

But this isn’t about the public’s priorities, not even close. This is about base-voter activation; this is about midterm turnout. The president’s most ardent opposition wants more punishing actions taken. There is an insatiable vengeance-lust for the haughty president who refuses to bend under pressure or fold under duress.

He must be brought to heel. He must be chastened. He must be broken. So, House Republicans are throwing the red meat into the cage.

Even Paul Ryan, fresh off his “Opportunity Grant” move to address poverty in this country — a plan that the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said “would likely increase poverty and hardship” rather than decrease it — said Friday that he would vote for the measure to sue the president.

(More here.)


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