SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Great Read: At memory competition, the diverse contestants are unforgettable

Tina Sussman, LA Times

Each morning, Brad Zupp puts on noise-canceling headphones and a pair of goggles, the lenses blacked out except for tiny peepholes that keep each eye focused downward. He sits at his desk, shuffles a deck of playing cards and gives himself 70 seconds to memorize the order.

Zupp then sets a timer and grabs another deck to see how fast he can duplicate the order of the shuffled cards.

His fastest time so far: 65 seconds.

"I don't do anything bizarre," said Zupp, who performs this drill at least 10 times a day.

But what's normal to Zupp and other contestants on the Memory Championship circuit can seem bizarre to those of us who habitually forget to buy milk at the store, who zone out on names at cocktail parties and who don't remember birthdays or anniversaries until the day has passed.

(More here.)


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