SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, February 02, 2014

The Gospel According to Paul

Maureen Dowd, NYT
FEB. 1, 2014

WASHINGTON — SO how do you make Monica haunt Hillary’s dreams?

That’s what Republicans have been gnawing on, and that’s what not-so-bland Rand Paul was cagey enough to figure out.

Fresh from taunting rival Chris Christie as “the king of bacon,” and declaring their feud “water under the bridge,” Paul turned his slingshot at a bigger target, the Big Dog himself, the gallivanting global statesman who is more popular than he has ever been, the master politician who has had to sell President Obama to America only a few years after he so vituperatively tried to turn off America on the whippersnapper and usurper.

With the passage of time and a cascade of fawning magazine covers, Bill Clinton’s image has evolved, leaving the repellent sexual scandals a pentimento in a new, more magnetic portrait.

(More here.)


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