SMRs and AMRs

Friday, February 07, 2014

GOP O-Care delusions

By Brent Budowsky -The Hill, 02/05/14 05:17 PM EST

When victory-starved Republicans wax eloquent misrepresenting the report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) discussing the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, they fall victim to a delusion almost as dangerous to them as the Benghazi disease I wrote about recently.

The CBO report did not suggest that ObamaCare destroys more than 2 million jobs, as many Republicans falsely suggest and some in the media inaccurately report. What the CBO report predicts is that more than 2 million Americans, who have the choice of keeping those jobs, will choose to leave them because they will no longer need the jobs to finance their healthcare.

If the CBO projection is correct, once these workers choose to leave their jobs, new workers currently looking for jobs will be hired to replace them!

Who wins in this deal? The workers who leave win because they want to leave. The workers who are hired win because they want jobs. The national economy wins because more of those who want jobs find them.

This is good news for America.

(More here.)


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