SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Politicians Serving Wall Street, Not Main Street

By Scott Rasmussen - Boston Herald, September 21, 2013

It’s become common over the past year or two to note how well Wall Street is doing while Main Street is still struggling.

Sadly, that tale of two economies has resulted from a conscious choice by those at the very top levels of our nation’s financial and political elites.

The choice was inadvertently highlighted in a recent USA Today column by former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In that column, Pelosi describes some of the political dynamics surrounding the beginning of the bailout era five years ago.

In Pelosi’s telling of the story, public opinion was never mentioned once. That’s significant because public opinion was primarily focused on Main Street while the elites were focused on Wall Street. Those in power didn’t want to hear about anything but the financiers.

(More here.)


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