SMRs and AMRs

Friday, June 14, 2013

A left-wing argument for government snooping

The NSA has been using high-tech surveillance ever since the horrific terror attacks on 9/11. (Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images.)

The liberal case for high-tech NSA surveillance

President Obama is not violating his liberal principles by defending the NSA. He is exercising them.

Published June 13, 2013, at 11:52 AM, The Week

Let's say you're a liberal. Your inclination is to ward against authoritarian government invading personal privacy. You grew up appalled by the actions of Richard Nixon and Joe McCarthy. You raged against the PATRIOT Act when it was proposed by President George W. Bush.

And yet today, after seeing all the recent leaks about Presidenet Obama's high-tech surveillance, and absorbing all the anger from various civil libertarians, try as you might to shake your fist and pound your keyboard, you're just not feeling the outrage.

Does this mean you're a giant hypocrite?


There is, in fact, a strong liberal case to make for America's current use of surveillance to combat terrorism.

Liberals are not libertarians or anarchists. Liberals believe in a proper use of government to maximize the common good, including public safety.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

Hypocrite? Of course not.... As I've read, our President has the Nobel Peace prize lapel pin on the front of his suit and a secret 'kill list' in his back pocket – no inconsistency at all. I'm pretty sure most of the atrocities inflicted on citizens by their own government were for some sort of ‘good.’

7:08 AM  

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