Hillary on Twitter
A Little Birdie Told Me
WASHINGTON — In her first two days on Twitter, Hillary Clinton did not bother to follow the man she wants to follow.
No @BarackObama for @HillaryClinton as of Tuesday night.
Hillary debuted firmly entrenched in Clintonworld, following Bill, Chelsea, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton School.
She unveiled a self-deprecating Twitter bio that was no doubt written by an aide and focus-grouped to death: “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD . . .”
It included six changes the calculatedly, obsessively whimsical Hillary made after it was posted. According to BuzzFeed, she flipped “mom” and “wife,” moved “women & kids advocate,” “U.S. Senator” and “SecState” higher, and switched “Pantsuit fashionista” to “pantsuit aficionado.” For a picture, she chose the celebrated “don’t mess with me” image from her secretary of state days: checking her BlackBerry wearing big sunglasses on a C-17 flight from Malta to Tripoli. The photo, shot by Diana Walker for Time, was used in a trendy Tumblr meme. The candidate-in-waiting’s debut even disarmed conservative blogger Erick Erickson, who tweeted: “I have to commend @HillaryClinton for her very awesome Twitter bio. Welcome to Twitter.”
(More here.)
WASHINGTON — In her first two days on Twitter, Hillary Clinton did not bother to follow the man she wants to follow.
No @BarackObama for @HillaryClinton as of Tuesday night.
Hillary debuted firmly entrenched in Clintonworld, following Bill, Chelsea, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton School.
She unveiled a self-deprecating Twitter bio that was no doubt written by an aide and focus-grouped to death: “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD . . .”
It included six changes the calculatedly, obsessively whimsical Hillary made after it was posted. According to BuzzFeed, she flipped “mom” and “wife,” moved “women & kids advocate,” “U.S. Senator” and “SecState” higher, and switched “Pantsuit fashionista” to “pantsuit aficionado.” For a picture, she chose the celebrated “don’t mess with me” image from her secretary of state days: checking her BlackBerry wearing big sunglasses on a C-17 flight from Malta to Tripoli. The photo, shot by Diana Walker for Time, was used in a trendy Tumblr meme. The candidate-in-waiting’s debut even disarmed conservative blogger Erick Erickson, who tweeted: “I have to commend @HillaryClinton for her very awesome Twitter bio. Welcome to Twitter.”
(More here.)
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