SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, May 02, 2013

In the Bible Belt, a Tea Party adulterer is credible. Go figure ...

The Luv Guv’s Last Stand


Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s fight for post-Appalachian Trail forgiveness ends Tuesday with a big Congressional election. The focus, of course, is on issues, issues, issues.

“He skipped town to be with his mistress on Father’s Day,” says a Democratic ad currently being broadcast in the district. “Sanford even asked his wife for permission to have the affair and wasted our taxpayer dollars on himself.”

O.K., but that was then.

“Do you think that President Clinton should be condemned for the rest of his life based on a mistake he made in his life?” Sanford asked during a recent debate with his opponent, the Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch. That would be the same President Clinton that Sanford once voted to impeach.

The issue divide is actually pretty clear. Sanford is straight Tea Party; in the debate, he warned the audience that overspending had put us at the “tipping point as a civilization.” Colbert Busch, who more than held her own, kept linking herself to the Chamber of Commerce and the dredging of the local port. If the Republicans who dominate South Carolina’s First Congressional District want someone who will fight to reduce federal spending on everything except their area, she’d be perfect.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Did you catch the name of the PAC who thus far has only given monies to Marc Sanford -- SALMON PAC.


They collect money from other PACs and gave to him.

Although the NRCC may have said they are involved in his election campaign, the money is rolling in ... the NRA ... David Koch ... Norm Coleman's business partner ... Lindsey Graham's PAC.

Although Bachmann may not like having to share the TV cameras, my instinct is that in the end, the SC-GOP will ignore his past and return him to Congress.

6:02 AM  

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