SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What Tim Cook learned from Steve Jobs

Here Comes the Sun


Among the many things Tim Cook apparently learned at the knee of Steve Jobs, during his long tenure as Apple’s No. 2, was how to create a “reality distortion field.” Or so it would appear after watching Cook, now Apple’s chief executive, testify on Tuesday at a Senate hearing on the company’s tax avoidance schemes.

Jobs was so persuasive that he could claim the sun was setting when it was actually rising, and everyone would nod in agreement. On Tuesday, despite the overwhelming evidence presented by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations that Apple engaged in dubious tax avoidance gimmicks, Cook claimed that Apple never resorted to tax gimmickry. Even though the company appears to pay about 10 percent of its pretax income in taxes — when the federal corporate tax rate is 35 percent — Cook said, “We pay all the taxes we owe — every single dollar.” He added that Apple had never shifted any of its American profits to an offshore tax haven when, in fact, that is basically what it has done, routing tens of billions in pretax profits to a shell corporation in Ireland that exists solely to avoid taxes in the United States. He even said that the low taxes Apple pays overseas is on the profits of its overseas sales. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this was a flat-out lie.

In other words, Cook spent Tuesday claiming that the sun was setting when it was actually rising, and, predictably, by the time the hearing had ended, most of the senators were agreeing with him. Senator John McCain, the committee’s ranking Republican, who had earlier labeled Apple “a tax avoider,” was soon swooning over Apple’s “incredible legacy.”

Indeed, Apple’s fabulous success over the past decade or so — its creation of the iPads and iPhones that the world lusts over — is a large part of the reason it always gets the benefit of the doubt, whether deserved or not. Two years ago, when David Kocieniewski of The Times reported on General Electric’s tax-avoidance prowess, a storm of protest resulted. Last year, however, when Kocieniewski and Charles Duhigg wrote about Apple’s tax avoidance schemes as part of a series about the company that won a Pulitzer Prize, it was greeted mainly with yawns. Nobody really wants to hear anything bad about Apple.

(More here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Oh come on. McCain? AL GORE was on the fricking Board of Directors at Apple for 8 years. Where the outrage over Gore being paid $1M a year to sit on a board that avoids paying income taxes? Oh that's right - he was lining his greedy little pockets. You global warming chieftain's are a bunch of charlatans seeking only to enrich your greedy little selves while covering it up by offering to save the unwashed masses from the impending climate change doom.

By the way, Koch Industries paid their fair share of corporate taxes last year. Unlike politically correct companies like Solyndra, GE, Apple and MFGlobal who avoid paying taxes by doing the bidding of the government. I certainly hope to see some praise in VV about what a patriotic company Koch is for paying their corporate taxes.

7:52 AM  

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