SMRs and AMRs

Friday, February 01, 2013

The irrelevant senator

[VV note: Sen. Jim Inhofe of Nebraska is one of a handful of people in congress who still doesn't recognize the science of climate change. He is truly way, way out of the mainstream as the article below demonstrates. The questions for his constituents: Is he dangerous or just irrelevant? Vox Verax believes he should be put out to pasture.]

With a friend like Jim Inhofe ...

By Dana Milbank, WashPost, Friday, February 1, 11:17 AM

If this is how Jim Inhofe treats his friends, one shudders to think what he does to his enemies.

“I have known Sen. Kerry for many years and consider him a friend,” the Republican senator from Oklahoma said last week on the occasion of the Senate’s vote to confirm Inhofe’s dear friend John Kerry as secretary of state. “I again state that I consider him a friend,” Inhofe added.

Inhofe rewarded this friendship by being one of only three senators to vote against Kerry’s confirmation on Tuesday.

On Thursday, Inhofe had the chance to greet another old friend, former senator Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican nominated to be President Obama’s defense secretary. “You and I are very good friends,” Inhofe informed Hagel at the confirmation hearing.

Inhofe further informed his friend Hagel that his “record is deeply troubling and out of the mainstream,” and that Hagel believes in “appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.” Inhofe then recited a poem about the ills of appeasement.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Two comments

#1. Once again, another example of what happens when someone implies something and takes things out of context.

Senator Inhofe :"Given that Iran, the people — I’m quoting right now from Iran — people of the Middle East, the Muslim region and North Africa, people of these regions hate America from the bottom of their heart. It further said Israel is a cancerous tumor in the heart of the Islamic world. They further said Iran’s warriors are ready and willing to wipe Israel off the map. The question I’d like to ask you, and you can answer for the record if you’d like, why do you think the Iranian foreign ministry so strongly supports your nomination to be the Secretary of Defense?"

Ignoring that Senator Inofe has put all factions of Islam under one umbrella, and that the "people" of Iran agree with their leaders, the assertion is that Iran's Foreign Minister is lobbying for Hagel's confirmation.
So what's the basis for that assertion ...
On January 8th (the day after the Hagel announcement), Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast responded to a question about U.S. sanctions on Iran :
"We hope there will be practical changes in American foreign policy and that Washington becomes respectful of the rights of nations." Mehmanparast did not elaborate yet, unless John (Bomb-Bomb-Bomb-Iran) McCain was nominated, I gotta think the response would have been the same regardless of whom President Obama nominated.

#2. The 2014 election could reshape the power in the Senate ... look at the make-up of the current Environment Committee
Senate Majority Committee Members
Barbara Boxer (Chairman)
Max Baucus
Thomas R. Carper
Frank R. Lautenberg
Benjamin L. Cardin
Bernard Sanders
Sheldon Whitehouse
Tom Udall
Jeff Merkley
Kirsten Gillibrand

Senate Minority Committee Members
David Vitter
James M. Inhofe
John Barrasso
Jeff Sessions
Mike Crapo
Roger F. Wicker
John Boozman
Deb Fischer

Does that line-up of Republican environmentalists concern you ? Big Oil and Big Coal will be sending a lot of money to soon-to-be-Senator Erik Paulsen's campaign just to have the committee chaired by David Vitter.

7:43 AM  

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