SMRs and AMRs

Friday, January 18, 2013


The NRA’s diabolical ad

By Susan Eisenhower, WashPost, Published: January 17

Susan Eisenhower is granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower and a business consultant and author.

In 2008, just after Barack Obama was elected president, I gave a television interview regarding what the Obamas might expect on becoming the new first family. I was asked specifically how Malia and Sasha’s lives would change. For a start, I said, they won’t play outside anymore without armed guards.

I know something about that. For the eight years that my grandfather, Dwight Eisenhower, was president of the United States, I had Secret Service protection. Known as the “Diaper Detail,” these armed agents protected my sisters, brother and me from potential kidnappings or other targeted attacks. Such threats might be aimed at hurting us, but they would also strike a devastating blow to the president and possibly our national security.

I repeat: We had Secret Service protection because we were seen as potential targets.

(More here.)


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