SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Not a lynching, a scalping

Why they came for Susan Rice’s scalp 

Out for revenge, the right did everything in its power to keep a capable woman from advancing
Monday, December 17, 2012, 4:00 AM

This is finally about Susan Rice. It is about her skin color. It is also about her being female.

Last week, Rice withdrew herself from consideration to follow in Hillary Clinton’s steps at the State Department. It was clear that the relentless Republican attacks had taken their toll — all the ugly statements and insinuations by Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

Oddity is as oddity does: The man who was going to have Sarah Palin play commander in chief if worst came to worst was suddenly interested in competence and honesty. Has there ever been anyone as incapable of holding higher office as the moose-hunter from Wasilla?

But McCain doesn’t care. Squashing Rice’s chances to become Secretary of State provides a scalp that the old warrior can hang on his door and brag about. He may not have gotten the prize he wanted back in 2008, but Rice now won’t get hers, either.

(More here.)


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