SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The ancient calendar at the end of the cliff

Watch Out Below!!!



THE end of the world never comes at a convenient time.

It never comes, for instance, when you’re sitting in front of a blank computer screen trying to think of a column.

But the end is nigh, according to ancient Mayans and Washington mandarins.

We have reached the quivering moment of truth that Jon Stewart calls “Cliffpocalypsemageddonacaust.”

However the Mayan prediction and the fiscal cliff work out in the next few days, I hope we are talking about the end of talking about the end.

It’s tedious to always be suspended in midair, like Wile E. Coyote or Thelma and Louise. The attempts by some to continually whirl the whole American population into a state of apocalyptic excitement are exhausting.

(More here.)


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