SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Moderation, even compassion, was ridiculed

His party doomed Romney

By Richard Cohen, WashPost,

Before Mitt Romney lost the election, the Republican Party lost its head.

The GOP started the presidential campaign in the black cold of the Iowa winter, appealing to evangelicals and other cultural conservatives. Good people though they may be, they are no more representative of the typical American voter than the equally good people of Beverly Hills’s ultra-liberal precincts. Romney pandered. He would end funding to Planned Parenthood and he recommended making things so tough on undocumented immigrants that they would “self-deport.” Goodbye, Hispanics, and goodbye, many women.

The venue for that first contest and the field of candidates was the biggest break Barack Obama got. The entire Republican field swung to the right. One stupendously unqualified candidate after another took the early lead — Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich. They took turns proposing one simplistic program for illegal aliens after another. Moderation, even compassion, was ridiculed. Gingrich wanted to do something reasonable for illegals who had been in the country for decades — held a job, belonged to a church. Nothing doing. This was a kind of war.

(More here, including comments.)

4:44 PM CST

Don’t feel sorry for Mr.Romney. I have compiled a list of Top 10 bright spots for him
  1. You can spend lot of time with your grand kids.
  2. Anne can now buy a couple of Rolls Royces and ditch the Cadillacs. You don’t need to buy the lousy American made stuff anymore.
  3. You don’t have to disclose any more tax returns.
  4. You don’t need to bring your money from Switzerland or Cayman Islands.
  5. You don’t have to be nice to the Evangelicals anymore. They secretly hate your guts because you are a Mormon.
  6. You don’t have to be nice to the Tea Party nuts anymore. They secretly hated your guts because you are too liberal.
  7. You don’t have to deal with the GOP nuts in the Congress who would have blocked anything sensible you proposed anyway.
  8. You can flip flop on any issue any day and every day, and no one will notice.
  9. You can go back to being a vulture capitalist and make tons of money.
  10. Anytime something bad happens in the country, you can blame the Kenyan and say you would have prevented it.
You are welcome!


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