SMRs and AMRs

Monday, September 24, 2012

Could a man who received amnesty for a federal crime be elected to the nation's highest office?

What Romney's Hiding: 'It's the Amnesty, Stupid'

Paul Abrams, HuffPost, Posted: 09/23/2012 8:40 pm

Why does the press feign puzzlement about what Romney is hiding by not revealing his 2009 tax returns?

He has already revealed the extent of his foreign bank accounts, the approximate amount of his holdings and two years of taxes that are less than the middle class pays. Even if he had paid zero in some years, that is already baked into the political cake.

His disclosure of his 2010 account omitted information about his Swiss bank account at the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Why is the press not asking for this form? UBS was fined $760 million for putting Americans into abusive tax shelters and forced to reveal more than 4000 Americans who banked with them under numbered accounts.

The 4000+ Americans who were exposed by UBS were offered amnesty from criminal prosecution for tax evasion if they closed their Swiss Account, recalculated and paid all back taxes and paid a 25 percent penalty on the largest amount.

(More here.)


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