Who (or what) really caused the Great Recession of 2008-today?
Dear Bankers: Thanks for Wrecking Our Lives ...
Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement’s encampment at Zuccotti Park. Some of the protesters there created a Web site for Americans who couldn’t join them in Lower Manhattan. Called Occupy the Boardroom, the site invited people across the country to write detailed letters to the executives and directors of banks. The site’s developers promised to deliver them as e-mail and in person.
The more than 8,000 letters that resulted (to Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley) supply some insight into the way different Americans experienced the financial crisis and recession since 2007.
The literary magazine n+1 collected 200 of the letters in a book, “The Trouble Is the Banks: Letters to Wall Street,” which appears this month. Mike McQuade, an artist, used excerpts from these letters to create this illustration for The New York Times.
(More here.)
Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement’s encampment at Zuccotti Park. Some of the protesters there created a Web site for Americans who couldn’t join them in Lower Manhattan. Called Occupy the Boardroom, the site invited people across the country to write detailed letters to the executives and directors of banks. The site’s developers promised to deliver them as e-mail and in person.
The more than 8,000 letters that resulted (to Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley) supply some insight into the way different Americans experienced the financial crisis and recession since 2007.
The literary magazine n+1 collected 200 of the letters in a book, “The Trouble Is the Banks: Letters to Wall Street,” which appears this month. Mike McQuade, an artist, used excerpts from these letters to create this illustration for The New York Times.
(More here.)
There is little doubt that banks have been bad and, thanks to politicians, banks have not been held to a higher standard. Greiff and VV could improve their credibility by at least mentioning the role left of the aisle politicians paid in the recession by encouraging homeownership beyond market norms. I suppose some thought that putting folks in homes they could not afford was the right thing to do, would it be too much for those on the left side of the aisle to admit that their efforts failed on many levels?
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