SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Are ordinary people are too dumb to notice that someone's robbing their Social Security?

The CEO Plan to Steal Your Social Security and Medicare

By Dean Baker, Nation of Change

Many people are following the presidential election closely with the idea that the outcome will have a major impact on national policy. However, according to Steven Pearlstein, a veteran Washington Post columnist and reporter, it may not matter who wins the election. In a column last week, Pearlstein told readers that the top executives of some of the country’s largest companies are getting together to craft a budget package that they will try to push through Congress and get the president to sign.

While Pearlstein clearly sees these backroom meetings of corporate chieftains in positive terms (he refers to them as “grown-ups” who have been noticeably absent from the conversation about the budget), the rest of us might view this plotting a bit differently. As Pearlstein openly acknowledges, this corporate coup is an end-run around the electorate. As corrupt as the political process may have become, at least we will get a vote in the election. Pearlstein’s plotters are not inviting the rest of us into the conversation.

Many of the same folks who brought the economy to ruin just a few years ago are now going to come up with a plan that is supposed to set the budget and the economy on a forward path. At the center of their proposal are big cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

The most popular Social Security cut among this gang is a reduction in the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) by 0.3 percentage points. They are betting that are ordinary people are too dumb to notice this cut since it is a relatively small amount each year.

(More here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

I just wish I could opt out of these programs. Pay me back all the money I paid in with no interest. Just give me the money back and don't worry about me when i am 65 and thereafter. I'll put that returned money to such good use, the government won't have to worry about me. I'll beat the pants off the ridiculous 2% government return on my 'investment' in my retirement. they hold money for 50 years and all they can get is a measly 2%. If that's not a reason to close down these programs, nothing else is.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Tom Koch said...

Patrick - you need to listen more closely. For decades liberals have been telling us that we are not capable of managing our money.

7:08 PM  

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