SMRs and AMRs

Friday, July 27, 2012

A voting intelligence test

Think Obama's a Muslim? Then you're too stupid to vote

By Paul Whitefield, LA Times
1:09 PM PDT, July 27, 2012

Forget voter ID laws. What this country needs are laws to keep stupid people from voting.

Now, I’m not talking about folks who can’t recite the preamble to the Constitution, or who can’t tell you what the 1st Amendment covers, or how many Supreme Court justices there are. I’ll even exempt those poor souls who don’t know who the first president was, or can’t name the two houses of Congress, or don’t know the name of their representative.

But, if you were to show up at the polls in November, and the poll worker were to ask you “Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?” and you answered “Muslim,” then — bzzzzzt — you’d be automatically disqualified from voting, on the grounds you’re just too dumb.

My colleague Jim Rainey reported Friday on a Pew Research Center Forum on Religion and Public Life survey released Thursday showing that just 49% of Americans described the president as a Christian, while 17% said they believed he was Muslim.

(More here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

sounds good to me. I think people who believe in Global Warming also are too stupid to vote.

So, who gets to decide which questions are used on an intelligence voting test?

9:16 AM  

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