SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cutting back on education and public protection

More Firemen, More Policemen, More Teachers

Paul Krugman, NYT

First, Mitt Romney ridiculed Obama for saying that we need more public employment:
He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. Did he not get the message in Wisconsin?
Afterwards, some commentators wondered, couldn’t he have chosen different professions to ridicule?

And the answer is no. When we talk about public workers, that’s pretty much who we’re talking about:


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Poor Paul Krugman...just so sad to see a human being so detatched from reality he really should be in a padded room so he can be away from his lamppost scratching and talking to trees.

How can anyone with a straight face tell the American people that the road to economic recovery is in the hiring of more government workers.

Every analysis of the public sector compared to the private sector is that the public sector is enjoying lavishness that the private sector can only dream of and those of us in the private sector have to work longer and harder just to keep up knowing that when we work harder and longer, our labor is confiscated and given to the public sector.

As I have said before, whatever Krugman says, do the exact opposite. If Krugman says we need more police, fire and teachers, then we really need less.

Why Vox Verax continues to re-publish Krugman is beyond me.

12:04 PM  

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