SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Romney Defends His Auto Bailout Stance to Detroit


Mitt Romney on Tuesday moved to shore up support in his boyhood home of Michigan, preparing a new television commercial and writing an opinion article defending his 2008 position to let the auto industry go bankrupt.

The campaign’s new focus on Michigan, which will hold its Republican primary on Feb. 28, comes as new national polls, including a New York Times/CBS News survey, show Rick Santorum surging to a tie with Mr. Romney.

Mr. Romney’s new advertisement, called “Growing Up,” shows him driving a car and reminiscing about life in Detroit. He criticizes President Obama and concludes by saying: “I want to make Michigan stronger and better. Michigan’s been my home, and this is personal.”

The commercial is to begin running on Wednesday, according to a Republican who tracks media spending and who said the advertising cost a modest $178,000 on the NBC station in Detroit.

(More here.)


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