SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why Is Europe a Dirty Word?



QUELLE horreur! One of the uglier revelations about President Obama emerging from the Republican primaries is that he is trying to turn the United States into Europe.

“He wants us to turn into a European-style welfare state,” warned Mitt Romney. Countless versions of that horrific vision creep into Romney’s speeches, suggesting that it would “poison the very spirit of America.”

Rick Santorum agrees, fretting that Obama is “trying to impose some sort of European socialism on the United States.”

Who knew? Our president is plotting to turn us into Europeans. Imagine:

It’s a languid morning in Peoria, as a husband and wife are having breakfast. “You’re sure you don’t want eggs and bacon?” the wife asks. “Oh, no, I prefer these croissants,” the husband replies. “They have a lovely je ne sais quoi.”

(More here.)


Anonymous farmland investments said...

You know, this is pure ignorance on the part of Americans. Many countries in Europe spend much less per capita then the States on healthcare, yet have healthier and loger living people. France's health care system is surely one of the best in the world. And for economics, look to Denmark's model - flexible labor markets combined with generous support who do lose jobs. Check out the Danish unemployment rate - I'd say its working!

8:32 PM  

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