SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Mitt, the Paisley Tiger


Des Moines

Given how assiduously plotted every last detail of Mitt Romney’s events has been, it was impossible not to wonder about the levels of meaning in the song blaring from speakers in Ames, Iowa, as he loped to the microphone on a recent night.

“Eye of the Tiger” was the anthem of the moment. It’s performed by a band helpfully named Survivor. It extols grit and stamina and their contributions to eventual glory. Then there’s this: the beast in its title never changes its stripes.

Romney changes more than that. “Karma Chameleon” would be the truer tune for him, as a few bloggers have noted. Years back, he was light blue; now, he’s red; by next fall, if he gets there, he’ll be purplish. He adapts to his context. Adjusts to his surroundings.

For most of this campaign season, that has been framed as a serious weakness. Democrats have hammered him for being a man without a core. In a new commercial by a super PAC supporting Jon Huntsman Jr., New Hampshire voters are urged to “stop the chameleon.” Romney has pushed back, giving lip service, at least, to his constancy.

(More here.)


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