SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The media ♥ Newt Gingrich

By Dana Milbank,
Tuesday, January 31, 6:53 PM

Dear Newt:

These are difficult times for you, no doubt, and we understand that people sometimes say things they don’t really mean. We hope that explains your cruel comment about us here in Orlando this week.

“All of our friends in the news media,” you said, “are very excited and eager to end this race as early as possible.” You went on to say that, in our hurry to crown Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential nominee, we’re trying to use your performance in the Florida primary to bring an end to your campaign.

Newt, these are hurtful words. I know I speak for many colleagues when I say that we in the news media are great fans of your candidacy. You’re the only thing saving us from a long spring of despair, the only person who can, by extending the presidential race, drive up our audience and bring us the revenues we so desperately need.

You also give us exactly what we crave as political journalists. Some of us are ideologically biased, to be sure, but overriding this is our bias in favor of conflict — and that's why we’re all in the tank for you. We’ve loved you since you created the modern era of politics-as-blood-sport 22 years ago with the ouster of House Speaker Jim Wright.

How do we love you, Newt Gingrich? Let us count the ways.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

We love you Newt but sorry, you don't send a shiver up our legs quite like "The One."

8:06 PM  

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