SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In State of the Union address, Obama puts focus on economic inequality

By Peter Wallsten,
Published: January 24

The economy continues to struggle and Americans are largely pessimistic, but dueling events Tuesday showed why in politics it’s good to be the incumbent.

In Washington, President Obama harnessed one of the grand symbols of his office — a prime-time State of the Union speech — to present himself to voters as a champion for middle-class families struggling to get by and declare that “we’ve come too far to turn back now.”

In Florida, the escalating battle for the right to challenge Obama threatened to further bloody the leading contenders — with Mitt Romney on the defensive over his tax rate as revealed by the Tuesday release of his 2010 returns and Newt Gingrich trying to fend off questions about his consulting work for mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

The day brought a reminder that, for all of Obama’s many political challenges and relatively low approval ratings, the White House has some reason for optimism.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

Hmmm. More talk of equality by liberals. Why is it that only liberals know what is 'fair?'

7:58 AM  
Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

because it's all they have. If liberals really talked about using the force of government to steal from one american to give to another, they wouldn't get very far. So, they obfuscate their intentions with their rhetoric of 'fairness' and 'american values' - as if Obama knows what american values are.

4:00 PM  

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