SMRs and AMRs

Friday, January 13, 2012

The GOP's Blatant Racism

Gary Younge
The Nation
January 10, 2012

In the British original of The Office the main protagonist, David Brent (US reincarnation: Michael Scott), wistfully recalls a tender moment during his favorite war film, The Dam Busters, involving the hero pilot, Wing Commander Guy Gibson. “Before he goes into battle, he’s playin’ with his dog,” says Brent.

“Nigger,” says his sidekick, Gareth (Dwight in the States), recalling with glee the name of the dog.

Brent flinches, eager to mitigate the slur. “Yeah!… it was the ’40s,” he says, “before racism was bad.”

The problem with the illusion of a postracial society is that at almost any moment the systemic nature of racism, its legacy, methods and impulses, might have to be rediscovered and restated as though for the first time. If the problem has gone away, those who point it out or claim to experience it are, by definition, living in the past. Those who witness it in action must be imagining things. Those who practice it are either misunderstood or maligned.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

I "hang with" a conservative crowd (many friends, workers are predominantly conservative) and I can honestly say that I do not hear or see racism. To the contrary, it is my conservative friends who have friends of color, people of different religions and cultures in their homes, participate in mission trips, lead clothing drives for inner cities and on and on. Liberals seem to have a fascination with racism and I suppose one has to turn negative when low on positives.

1:09 PM  

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