SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dems gather more than one million signatures to recall Scott Walker

By Greg Sargent

Wisconsin Democrats are telling reporters that they have gathered more than one million signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker — a remarkable number that could have real ramifications for this year’s presidential race.

While that total had been hinted at, Wisconsin Dem spokesman Graeme Zielinski confirms to me that it’s official. John Nichols, speculating earlier today about this possibility, puts the number in perspective:
If that is the case, the movement to oust Walker will have secured the support of a higher percentage of eligible voters than has ever before sought to recall an American governor.
Dems need around 540,000 of those signatures to be certified as official in order for the recall of Walker to proceed. The one-million total makes that cushion pretty comfortable.

(More here.)


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