SMRs and AMRs

Friday, January 27, 2012

CNN Florida debate: Winners and losers

By Aaron Blake and Rachel Weiner,
Published: January 26 | Updated: Friday, January 27, 5:00 AM

Jacksonville, Fla., and CNN put on one of the best debates of the GOP presidential race on Thursday night — a debate that is sure to have an effect on Tuesday’s all-important Florida primary.

The Fix was live-chatting all night, but we also thought we’d pass along our thoughts on the debate, in the form — naturally — of winners and losers.


* Mitt Romney: The obvious one, yes. It wasn’t all good for the former Massachusetts governor, but given how lackluster Newt Gingrich’s performance was, it’s hard not to call this anything but a win for Romney, who wins whenever Gingrich fails.

In fact, Romney slipped up a few times. He again said rather tone-deafly that he would “fire” somebody who told him a moon colony was a good idea in tough economic times, he incorrectly stated that one of his ads wasn’t his ad, and he suggested to Rick Santorum that President Obama’s health care bill wasn’t something to get angry about (we think many Republicans are pretty openly angry about it).

And in none of these three cases did Romney’s opponents — and particularly Gingrich — make him pay for it.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

ROMNEY: First of all, my investments are not made by me. My investments for the last 10 years have been in a blind trust, managed by a trustee.

As pointed out in the article, Romney blasted Ted Kennedy for "hiding behind" blind trusts ... so WHY would somebody (especially after the Madoff rip-off) want to in-trust someone else to manage your money when your track record indicates that you did pretty well yourself ? And since he did this a decade ago, doesn't that just re-inforce the concept that Romney has been running for President for over a decade ?

9:14 AM  

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