SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Remember the Alamo


Well, what a relief.

Just in time for the holidays, Congress showed us it can work in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation to pass a two-month extension of a popular tax cut. On its own! With perhaps a small amount of prodding.

The payroll tax cut bill zipped through Congress on Friday, approved by a Senate with only two members present and then passed by a near-empty House in a five-minute session. Then everybody went away. Why can’t they do this all the time?

The House Republicans, who had tried to hold up the bill out of principle, only to be pummeled by everyone from John McCain to The Wall Street Journal editorial page, hunkered down for a seriously sulky Christmas.

“In the end, House Republicans felt like they were re-enacting the Alamo, with no reinforcements and our friends shooting at us,” said Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, one of the leaders of the anti-two-month-tax-cut rebellion.

(More here.)


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