SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Pungent Aroma of Paranoia



I WAS intrigued to learn that the president and I have the same favorite new TV series: Showtime’s spectacular “Homeland,” set right here in the capital.

The season finale is tonight, and finales of addictive shows can be tricky and disappointing. However it ends, though, they should dispense with the Best-Actors-in-a-Drama contest and just ship the Emmys to Claire Danes and Damian Lewis.

“Homeland” is about an American Marine coming back from Iraq to a welter of problems, a subject with special resonance for the president and America this past week. A bipolar C.I.A. agent warns her skeptical bosses that the Marine, held in Iraq as a P.O.W. for eight years and now returning as a hero, could be a terrorist.

Complete with Saudi villains, the show is a high-velocity reminder of how much the American psyche has changed since 9/11, and is a masterpiece of paranoia.

(More here.)


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