SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hedge-Fund Titans Got Inside Political Tips

By Jonathan Chait
New York Magazine

I’m surprised this Wall Street Journal story, detailing how hedge funds manage to obtain profitable inside information, hasn’t gotten more attention. The whole story seems pretty explosive. I’d like to pull out a bit at the end, about how some hedge-fund players learned that key Democratic moderates in the Senate would jettison the public option in the health care bill in 2009:
The weekend before the Dec. 8, 2009 session, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) held Senate sessions on Saturday and Sunday, seeking a deal. Another senator, Tom Carper (D., Del.), also was trying to help. The central issue: Would the bill call for the government to create a public health insurance plan, the position supported by President Barack Obama?

To counter Republican opposition, Democrats needed votes from Messrs. Lieberman and Nelson, who said they had major concerns with a robust government-insurance plan. As negotiations neared a resolution, JNK Securities and its hedge-fund clients met a half-dozen lawmakers in the U.S. Capitol. Among those who spoke to the hedge funds were Mr. Lieberman and Mr. Carper on Dec. 8, according to their offices. The roster included Viking Global's Scott Zinober and Karsch Capital's Eric Potoker.
(More here.)


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