SMRs and AMRs

Friday, September 09, 2011

Wisconsin Official Instructs Staff Not To Mention Free IDs For Voting

Tyler Kingkade
Updated: 9/9/11 05:53 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- An internal memo sent around the Wisconsin Department of Transportation went public this week, sparking controversy over its instructions that employees should not tell state residents they can receive free photo identification for voting unless they ask.

The memo in question, sent out by former Republican state Senate aide Steve Krieser, the executive assistant of the Department of Transportation, is causing backlash across the state because of legislation signed in May by Republican Gov. Scott Walker requiring voters to show valid photo ID when going to the polls.

Obtaining a state-issued photo ID for the purpose of voting is actually free of charge. But the catch is that voters have to be in the know: If they don't specifically ask for the free ID, they'll get charged $28. Krieser told The Huffington Post he has no plans to adjust the policy.

The Capital Times obtained the internal memo circulated on July 1 by Krieser, in which he instructs them not to tell residents about the free IDs: "While you should certainly help customers who come in asking for a free ID to check the appropriate box, you should refrain from offering the free version to customers who do not ask for it," the memo says.

Krieser argued that there are temporary signs posted at all of the Department of Motor Vehicle stations in the state to inform people they must check the box to request a free ID. He said there are plans to place permanent signs, but that he had no timeline for it.

(More here.)


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